Uses of Class

Packages that use AlcomoException

Uses of AlcomoException in de.unima.alcomox

Methods in de.unima.alcomox that throw AlcomoException
 java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String> ExtractionProblem.getLocalUnsatisfiableEntities()
          Returns the uris (as strings) of all unsatisfiable concepts of both local ontologies.
 MergedOntology ExtractionProblem.getMergedOntology()
 java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String> ExtractionProblem.getMergedUnsatisfiableEntities()
          Returns the uris (as strings) of all unsatisfiable concepts of ther merged ontology based on the currecnt input mapping.
 void AlcomoProblem.init()
 void ExtractionProblem.init()
 boolean ExtractionProblem.isCoherentExtraction()
          Checks with complete reasoning wether the extracted mapping is coherent.
 boolean AlcomoProblem.solve()
 boolean ExtractionProblem.solve()
          Solves the extraction problem.

Uses of AlcomoException in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms that throw AlcomoException
abstract  void
          Solves the eaxtraction problem by selecting a part of the mapping as activated and the remainder as inactive.

Uses of AlcomoException in de.unima.alcomox.exceptions

Subclasses of AlcomoException in de.unima.alcomox.exceptions
 class CorrespondenceException
          A correspondence exception handles every type of problems related to correspondences and their internal components.
 class DiagnosisException
          A diagnosis exception handles every type of problems related to diagnosis with the human in the loop.
 class MappingException
          A mapping exception handles every type of problems related to mappings and catches internally thrown correspondence exceptions.
 class OntologyException
          An ontology exception handles every type of problems related to ontologies.
 class PCFException
          An PCF exception handles problems related to parameter (P) like imvalid combinations of parameters, as well as things related to the control flow (CF) like the invalid order of method calls.

Uses of AlcomoException in de.unima.alcomox.mapping

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.mapping that throw AlcomoException
 void Mapping.normalize(double normConfidence)
          Sets all correspondences in this mapping to the same value.

Uses of AlcomoException in de.unima.alcomox.ontology

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.ontology that throw AlcomoException
 MergedOntology CompleteReasoner.getMergedOntology()
 java.util.Set<org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass> CompleteReasoner.getUnsatisfiableClasses(Mapping mapping)
          A complete method for computing the set of all unsatisfiable classes in the merged ontology..
 boolean CompleteReasoner.isConflictSet(Mapping mapping)
          A complete method for checking if a set of correspondences induces a conflict.
static void IOntology.main(java.lang.String[] args)
 Correspondence CompleteReasoner.searchInvalidCorrespondence(Mapping mapping)
          Searches binary and returns a correspondence being part of a conflict.
 void AlcomoOntology.write(java.lang.String filepath)
          Writes the ontology into a file.
 void MergedOntology.write(java.lang.String filepath)

Constructors in de.unima.alcomox.ontology that throw AlcomoException
AlcomoOntology(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology owlOntology, org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager owlManager)
CompleteReasoner(LocalOntology sourceOntology, LocalOntology targetOntology, ExtractionProblem extractionProblem)
          Constructs an reasoner for complete conflict detection.
IOntology(java.lang.String filepathOrUrl)
LocalOntology(java.lang.String filepathOrUrl)
          Constructs an ontology, thats a kind of wrapper for an owl ontology, by reading a file specified by a filepath or url.
MergedOntology(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology owlOntology, org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager owlManager)