Package de.unima.alcomox.mapping

Interface Summary
MappingReader The MappingReader defines the interface for its implementing classes that can be used to read Mappings from xml as well as txt-files.
MappingWriter The MappingReader defines the interface for its implementing classes that can be used to write Mappings to xml as well as txt-files.

Class Summary
Characteristic Characterises the relation between two mappings in terms of recall, precision and f-value.
Correspondence A correspondence represents a (simple) semantic relation between two entities belonging to different ontologies.
Mapping A mapping is a ordered list of correspondences.
MappingClosure Unready stuff, base4d on some idea that does not work for the banchmark testcase.
MappingFamiliy A mapping familiy is a set of mapping togeterh with the information which matcher generated which mapping.
MappingReaderTxt A mapping reader for txt format reads mappings from txt-files.
MappingReaderXml A mapping reader for rdf/xml format reads mappings from rdf-files.
MappingWriterTxt A MappingWriterTxt writes Mappings to txt-files.
MappingWriterXml A MappingWriterXml writes Mappings to xml-files.
SemanticRelation A semantic relation can be used to express equivalence, subsumption or disjointness between entities of different ontologies.