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writeTableToColumnNameIndex(Table, File, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>) - Method in class uploadTable.TableIndexer
writeTableToColumnNameIndex This method saves the names of the table's columns to the ColumnNameIndex It does the following steps: 1. loop through every column in the table: 1.1.
writeTableToIndexes(File) - Method in class uploadTable.TableIndexer
writeTableToIndexes This method saves information about the csv-dataFile to the following Indexes: KeyColumnIndex, ColumnNameIndex, TableIndex This method does following steps: 1. read the csv-table into a table-object 2. determine the key-column of the table 3. if a key column was detected: 3.1. create a hashmap with the distinct values of every column (this will be needed for the TableIndex and the KeyColumnIndex) 3.2. call the indexing-methods for the individual Indexes
writeTableToKeyColumnIndex(Table, String, int) - Method in class uploadTable.TableIndexer
writeTableToKeyColumnIndex This method saves the key column of the table to the KeyColumnIndex It does the following steps: 1. make the keyColumnString (=the concatenated values of the table's keyColumn (seperated by " ")) 2. save a document with the following values to the keyColumnIndex: tableHeader, columnHeader, keyColumnString, keyColumnIndex
writeTableToTableIndex(Table, File, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>) - Method in class uploadTable.TableIndexer
writeTableToTableIndex This method saves the distinct values of every of the table's columns to the TableIndex It does the following steps: 1. loop through all the columns in the table 1.1. loop through all the distinct values in this column 1.1.1. save a document with following values to the TableIndex: id, tableHeader, columnHeader, columnDataType, tableCardinality, columnDistinctValues, valueMultiplicity, value, fullTablePath, isPrimaryKey, originalValue
writeTableToTableIndex_old(Table, File, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Integer>>, IndexWriter) - Static method in class uploadTable.TableIndexer