Uses of Class

Packages that use CorrespondenceException

Uses of CorrespondenceException in de.unima.alcomox.mapping

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.mapping that throw CorrespondenceException
 Mapping Mapping.bind(LocalOntology sourceOntology, LocalOntology targetOntology)
          Binds the mapping (more precise: the uris of the correspondences) to the internal representation of the entities.
static Mapping Mapping.getJoinedMapping(Mapping[] mappings)
          Joins the specified mappings into a single mapping that contains all correspondences of the specified mappings.
static Mapping Mapping.getJoinedMapping(Mapping[] mappings, double[] weights)
 void Mapping.replaceSubstring(java.lang.String regExp, java.lang.String newString)
          Helper method for easy working with different version of alignments that encoded version numbers in uris (like for each year of the benchmark track).
 void Correspondence.setSourceEntityUri(java.lang.String sourceEntity)
 void Correspondence.setTargetEntityUri(java.lang.String targetEntity)
 void Mapping.splitToSubsumptionCorrespondences()
          Splits all equivalence correspondences in this mapping into subsumption correspondences in both directions.

Constructors in de.unima.alcomox.mapping that throw CorrespondenceException
Correspondence(java.lang.String sourceEntityUri, java.lang.String targetEntityUri, SemanticRelation relation)
          Constructs an unbound correspondence with confidence value set to 1.0.
Correspondence(java.lang.String sourceConcept, java.lang.String targetConcept, SemanticRelation relation, double confidence)
          Constructs an unbound correspondence with confidence value set to 1.0.
SemanticRelation(int type)
          Constructs a semantic relation of a certain type.

Uses of CorrespondenceException in de.unima.alcomox.ontology

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.ontology that throw CorrespondenceException
 double EfficientReasoner.estimateConflictSensitivity(Correspondence c, int exactness)
          Estimates the conflict sensitivity by drawing a sample of randomly generated correspondences.