Uses of Class

Packages that use Mapping

Uses of Mapping in de.unima.alcomox

Fields in de.unima.alcomox declared as Mapping
protected  Mapping AlcomoProblem.inputMapping

Methods in de.unima.alcomox that return Mapping
 Mapping ExtractionProblem.getDiscardedMapping()
          Returns the mapping discarded as results of solving this extraction problem.
 Mapping ExtractionProblem.getExtractedMapping()
          Returns the mapping extracted as results of solving this extraction problem.
 Mapping ExtractionProblem.getNonReferingInputMapping()
 Mapping ExtractionProblem.getReferingInputMapping()

Methods in de.unima.alcomox with parameters of type Mapping
 void AlcomoProblem.bindMapping(Mapping inputMapping)
          Sets a mapping as input mapping.

Uses of Mapping in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms

Fields in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms declared as Mapping
protected  Mapping AlcomoExtraction.activeMapping
protected  Mapping AlcomoExtraction.inactiveMapping
protected  Mapping AlcomoExtraction.mapping

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms that return Mapping
 Mapping AlcomoExtraction.getActiveMapping()
          Returns the activated mapping (also referred to as the extracted mapping).
 Mapping IndexMarker.getActiveMapping(Mapping mapping)
 Mapping AlcomoExtraction.getInactiveMapping()
          Returns the deactivated mapping (also referred to as the thrown, removed or rejected mapping).
 Mapping IndexMarker.getInactiveMapping(Mapping mapping)

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms with parameters of type Mapping
 Mapping IndexMarker.getActiveMapping(Mapping mapping)
 Mapping IndexMarker.getInactiveMapping(Mapping mapping)
 java.util.Set<java.lang.Integer> ConflictStore.getIndicesAndSetConflicts(Mapping mapping)
          Returns the indices that refer to the correspondences of a given mapping and sets these indices as additional conflicts.0000000000000
 void AlcomoExtraction.setMapping(Mapping mapping)

Constructors in de.unima.alcomox.algorithms with parameters of type Mapping
ConflictStore(EfficientReasoner reasoner, Mapping mapping)
          Construct a conflict store where some conflicts are precomputed due to efficient reasoning.
ConflictStore(Mapping mapping)
          Constructs an empty conflict store where no efficient component is used for pre processing.
IndexMarker(Mapping mapping, ConflictStore cm)
          Constructs an index-marker of size specified by a mapping.
StateAnalyzer(Mapping mapping)

Uses of Mapping in de.unima.alcomox.mapping

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.mapping that return Mapping
 Mapping Mapping.bind(LocalOntology sourceOntology, LocalOntology targetOntology)
          Binds the mapping (more precise: the uris of the correspondences) to the internal representation of the entities.
 Mapping Mapping.getCopy()
          Creates and returns a copy of this mapping.
 Mapping Mapping.getDifference(Mapping that)
          Returns the set difference between this mapping and that mapping.
 Mapping Mapping.getIntersection(Mapping that)
          Returns the intersection between this mapping and that.
static Mapping Mapping.getJoinedMapping(Mapping[] mappings)
          Joins the specified mappings into a single mapping that contains all correspondences of the specified mappings.
static Mapping Mapping.getJoinedMapping(Mapping[] mappings, double[] weights)
 Mapping MappingReader.getMapping(java.lang.String filepath)
 Mapping MappingReaderTxt.getMapping(java.lang.String filepath)
 Mapping MappingReaderXml.getMapping(java.lang.String filepathOrUri)
 Mapping MappingFamiliy.getMergedMappingVC()
          Returns the merged mapping where confindences have been computed in a way such that the following holds for two correspondences c1 and c2: (1) conf(c1) <h; conf(c2) iff less systems found c1 (Vote)
static Mapping MappingClosure.getTransImpliedMapping(Mapping m1, Mapping m2)
 Mapping Mapping.getUnion(Mapping that)
          Returns the union of this mapping and that.
 Mapping Mapping.subMapping(int indexInclusive)
          Returns a submapping of this mapping from index 0 to indexInclusive.

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.mapping with parameters of type Mapping
 void MappingFamiliy.addMapping(java.lang.String matcherId, Mapping mapping)
          Adds a mapping to this family of mappings.
 int Mapping.compareTo(Mapping that)
 Mapping Mapping.getDifference(Mapping that)
          Returns the set difference between this mapping and that mapping.
 Mapping Mapping.getIntersection(Mapping that)
          Returns the intersection between this mapping and that.
static double Similarity.getJaccardDimilarity(Mapping m1, Mapping m2)
static Mapping Mapping.getJoinedMapping(Mapping[] mappings)
          Joins the specified mappings into a single mapping that contains all correspondences of the specified mappings.
static Mapping Mapping.getJoinedMapping(Mapping[] mappings, double[] weights)
static Mapping MappingClosure.getTransImpliedMapping(Mapping m1, Mapping m2)
 Mapping Mapping.getUnion(Mapping that)
          Returns the union of this mapping and that.
 void Mapping.push(Mapping mapping)
          Adds each correspondence of another mapping at the end of this mapping.
 void MappingWriter.writeMapping(java.lang.String filepath, Mapping mapping)
 void MappingWriterTxt.writeMapping(java.lang.String filepath, Mapping mapping)
 void MappingWriterXml.writeMapping(java.lang.String filepath, Mapping mapping)

Constructors in de.unima.alcomox.mapping with parameters of type Mapping
Characteristic(Mapping mapping, Mapping reference)
          Constructs a characteristic based by comparing two mappings.
MappingMatrix(Mapping mapping)

Uses of Mapping in de.unima.alcomox.metric

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.metric with parameters of type Mapping
 void IncoherenceMetric.eval(LocalOntology sourceOnt, LocalOntology targetOnt, Mapping mapping)
          Runs an evaluation by applying the incoherence metric a.k.a maximum cardinality incoherence measure (as defined in Meilicke,Stuckenschmidt OM 2008).

Uses of Mapping in de.unima.alcomox.ontology

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.ontology that return Mapping
 Mapping CompleteReasoner.getConflictSet(Mapping mapping)

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.ontology with parameters of type Mapping
 void CompleteReasoner.attachValidatedMapping(Mapping mapping)
          Adds a validated mapping that will be used in reasoning in a fixed way.
 boolean EfficientReasoner.conflictsWithMapping(Correspondence candidate, Mapping mapping)
 Mapping CompleteReasoner.getConflictSet(Mapping mapping)
 java.util.Set<org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass> CompleteReasoner.getUnsatisfiableClasses(Mapping mapping)
          A complete method for computing the set of all unsatisfiable classes in the merged ontology..
 boolean CompleteReasoner.isConflictSet(Mapping mapping)
          A complete method for checking if a set of correspondences induces a conflict.
 boolean EfficientReasoner.isConflictSet(Mapping mapping)
 Correspondence CompleteReasoner.searchInvalidCorrespondence(Mapping mapping)
          Searches binary and returns a correspondence being part of a conflict.
 java.util.Set<org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom> MergedOntology.toAxioms(Mapping mapping)
 void MergedOntology.writeMergedOntology(java.lang.String filepath, Mapping mapping)
          Dont you ever use this, very bad hack for generating merged ontology without helper classes.