Uses of Class

Packages that use SemanticRelation

Uses of SemanticRelation in de.unima.alcomox.mapping

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.mapping that return SemanticRelation
 SemanticRelation SemanticRelation.getInverse()
          Returns the inverse semantic relation of this semantic relation.
 SemanticRelation Correspondence.getRelation()

Methods in de.unima.alcomox.mapping with parameters of type SemanticRelation
 void Correspondence.setRelation(SemanticRelation relation)

Constructors in de.unima.alcomox.mapping with parameters of type SemanticRelation
Correspondence(java.lang.String sourceEntityUri, java.lang.String targetEntityUri, SemanticRelation relation)
          Constructs an unbound correspondence with confidence value set to 1.0.
Correspondence(java.lang.String sourceConcept, java.lang.String targetConcept, SemanticRelation relation, double confidence)
          Constructs an unbound correspondence with confidence value set to 1.0.